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Epic Gear

It’s always important to be prepared on any hiking trail! Whether it’s a local hike in Southern California or you’re traveling to the Grand Canyon, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Below is some hiking gear, including first aid kits, supplies, and snacks to help make your next hike incredible!

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First Aid & Safety

Be prepared during your next hike with these first aid items to treat any minor cut, abrasion, or sprain. Additionally, first aid supplies, such as whistles, mirrors, and compasses, will help make sure that you are safe and sound. Hopefully, you will never have to use these safety items, but they will be there in case anything happens.

Water Bottles

It’s always important to stay hydrated with H20! It’s one of the most important lessons we’ve learned. Even on short hikes, the body can exert a lot of heat & energy. Water will help you stay hydrated and at your full potential. Below are a few recommended water bottles that are perfect for hiking trails. Depending on your distance, your water demand will vary. However, we always recommend traveling with extra water, in case you’re on the trail longer than expected!

Sun Protection

Sunscreen will help protect your skin against the sun’s strong rays and a sunburn. Even during the winter months, when the UV index is less strong, it is recommended to wear sunscreen to help protect against sunburn.


Capture those perfect moments along the hiking trail! From the top of a summit to the bottom of a coastal trail, there are always plenty of picturesque moments to photograph and share with friends.

Trail Snacks

There are several energy and nutrition bars available on the market. Although the Go Hike It team recommends taking a piece of fruit, such as a banana or apple, Lara Bars are the nutrition bar of choice. These bars are available in a variety of flavors are made with minimal, pure ingredients.


From recording the hiking trail distance with an mobile application, such as Strava, to using a high-tech watch, such as a Garmin ForeRunner, recording your distance will help you document your experience and your energy exerted. Record and be proud of what you’ve achieved!

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