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Kayak camping is a fun adventure that can help transform any ordinary camping experience into an adventure. If it’s your first time kayak camping, it can be an intimating experience because you don’t necessarily know what to pack. Don’t worry, The Go Hike It team has you covered!

5 Tricks and Tips to Packing:

5) Pack narrow shapes. Although the kayak’s can handle a lot of gear, the hules are narrow and measure approximately 24″. It’s best to pack your waterproof bags or equipment in long narrow shapes. It’s okay if a few objects are loose. Just remember that everything has the possibility to get wet and the hules have moisture in them.

4) Not everything has to be in a “bag” – As long as it’s wrapped in a large, durable trash bag. It’s recommended to buy the industrial black trash bags, instead of the white trash compactor bags. You can seal this bags shut with duck tape to help ensure they are waterproof. It’s easier to pack items, such as a sleeping bag, tent, or sleeping pad in these bags.

3) Avoid a hard cooler. Use a cooler tote bag with zipper to help keep your food and perishables cool. We placed our perishables in these bags with chilled reusable ice bags and were able to squeeze them into the kayak’s hules. We learned a few tricks, such as bringing egg white containers instead of eggs to help maximize our space and bring less breakables.

2) Don’t let the bathroom be an issue. Some campsites require the campers to bring in their own toilet and they don’t mean to bring a shovel to dig a hole. For our adventure, we brought in a lightweight self-contained toilet and were able to secure it with bungee cords to one of the kayaks. It helps to bring some bags and baby wipes too.

1) Bring the essentials. Kayak camping is a hybrid between car camping and backpacking. You are able to bring more items then you may be able to comfortable carry in a backpack, but you are also restricted to kayaking in your gear to your destination. It’s important to have at least pair of pants and jacket, as well as some camping essentials, such as a first aid kit, radio, and compass.

5 Essential Gear Items to Bring:

The Go Hike It team also felt it’s important to share a few essential items to help make your kayak camping adventure the best yet! This check list is intended to help support your essential camping and hiking gear.

5) Use Duck Tape and Avoid Cotton. Duck tape is a basic element and wonderful for sealing your bags and help ensure the seams of your bags are sealed shut. Additionally, duck tape comes in handy for taping oars together to help make a temporary shelter. Furthermore, avoiding cotton will help keep your bags lighter, as well as help you dry out your clothes in case they get wet. Clothes that are wick based are ideal and quick dry towels.

4) Durable Trash Bags or Dry Sacks. These bags are crucial for storing gear, as well as removing trash on your paddle out of the campsite. Dry sacks are easier to open and reopen; however, if you are on a budget the durable trash bags with a little duck tape works great too!

3) Safety Equipment. Typically kayak camping involves paddling to a remote and desolate region where there may be no cell phone reception. As an added precaution, The Go Hike It team recommends bringing an emergency waterproof transponder and radio. This will allow you to listen to weather reports as well as reach out in case of an emergency.

2) Water. As a rule of thumb, you can ration 1 gallon of water per day per person. This will give you enough water to help stay properly hydrated, as well as have a little for cooking.

1) Bring the essentials, but don’t over do it. Items such as a first aid kit, sleeping bag, and 1 pair of long pants and a jacket can help make your experience enjoyable and keep you in good shape for your paddle back.

Have you kayak camped before? What are some of your top tricks and tips?

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