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It can be easy to find a latte in Los Angeles, but sometimes it can be a challenge to find a fun hike to take your fury little friend. From having enough water locations to being dog tolerate, it’s important that the hiking trail is perfect for your pet. Don’t bark! Los Angeles is home to several dog friendly trails to take man’s best friend.

Here are a few of Go Hike It’s favorite Los Angeles Hiking Trails For Dogs:


Murphy Ranch, Los Angeles, CA

Murphy Ranch – Rustic Canyon Hiking Trail  – Los Angeles, CA

  • Overview: Constructed in the 1930s, the remnants of Murphy Ranch serve as a reminder to the dark history of World War II. The trail and hiking area features several building ruins in Rustic Canyon.
  • Dog Friendly: Yes, but there is approximately a 1/4 mile stair descent into the canyon, so if your dog has any hip problems it may be a challenge.
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Total Distance: 3-4 Miles


Dog Hikes in Los Angeles
Bridge to Nowhere Hiking Trail, Los Angeles, CA

Bridge to Nowhere Hiking Trail – Azusa, CA

  • Overview: The Bridge to Nowhere Hiking Trail features picturesque views of the San Gabriel Mountains and ends at literally a Bridge to Nowhere, a bridge constructed in the 1930s with no connected roads.
  • Dog Friendly: Yes, however if your dog does not enjoy getting wet or the water, you may reconsider this hike as the trail crosses a river 4-5 times.
  • Difficulty: Challenging
  • Total Distance: 10-11 miles

Trans-Catalina Hiking Trail – Catalina, CA

  • Overview: Although Catalina is far from the heart of downtown Los Angeles, the Trans-Catalina trail still falls within the Los Angeles county limits and features breathtaking trails for your furry pet. You are able to start the trail either in Avalon or Two Harbors.
  • Dog Friendly: Yes, depending on how far you hike the trail may be challenging for your pet. Make sure to bring water as there are no official water stations.
  • Difficulty: Easy-challenging
  • Total Distance: 2-20 miles

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