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#GoHikeIt with Travis Burke

#GoHikeIt with Travis Burke

#GoHikeIt with Travis Burke See Interview Enjoy a special #GoHikeIt interview with Travis Burke! What’s your ideal outdoor day? My ideal outdoor day is one I haven’t experienced yet. I love revisiting old places that hold special memories, like Yosemite National...
GoHikeIt with Mitch Cox and Cleo Codrington

GoHikeIt with Mitch Cox and Cleo Codrington

#GoHikeIt with Mitch Cox and Cleo Codrington See Interview Enjoy a special #GoHikeIt interview with Mitch Cox and Cloe Codrington! Who’s the couple behind the hike? Tell us more.  We are Mitch and Cleo – a 20 something old Aussie couple, currently traveling our...
The Twins and Violet Hill (Wilson Trail- Stage 1)

The Twins and Violet Hill (Wilson Trail- Stage 1)

The Twins and Violet Hill (Wilson Trail- Stage 1) Hiking Trail Hike Overview Hong Kong Hiking Trail Stage 1 of the Wilson Trail spans from Stanley Gap Road through to Wong Nei Chung Reservoir. One of Hong Kong’s most notorious trails, Stage 1 has been nicknamed “The...

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